(1) Q: Discuss the environmental significance of “color”.
Ans: Colored water is not always harmful to man, but in most cases it is. Even if the water is not harmful, people for aesthetic reasons do not prefer it. Also disinfection by chlorination of waters containing natural organics (which produces color) results in the formation of chloroform, other trihalomethanes, and a range of other chlorinated organics, leading to problems which is a major concern in water treatment. So it is important to limit the color of water for domestic supplies.
According to Bangladesh Environment Preservation Act (1997), drinking water standard for color is 15 units.
(2) Q: Discuss briefly the causes of color in water.
Ans: most water available to us are colored to some extent due to the presence of various impurities (i.e., iron and manganese in association with organic matter from decaying vegetation). Impurities may be in the colloidal form in water or it may be in suspended state. Color caused by dissolved and colloidal form of impurities is called true color and that caused by suspended matter, in addition to dissolved and colloidal compound, is called apparent color. Ground water may show color due to the presence of iron compound.
(3) Q: Write down the methods that are commonly used for removing color from water and wastewater.
Ans: By the following methods are commonly used for removing color:
- Sedimentation with Coagulation.
- Filtration.
- By absorption and chemical precipitation & sand filtration
Color-of-Water (exp:2) - assignment - Q-A

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