Sampling Data:
Locality: Dhaka University campus
Sample Site: Pond of Shahidullah Hall
Date of Collection: 01-08-2000
Time of Collection: 12.30 PM
Date of Testing: 01-08-2000
Time of Testing: 2.45 PM
Temperature: about 29 0C
Weather Condition: quite Cloudy
Wind Blow: From South to North
For accurate analysis of the water sample water should have been collected from different points of the pond. But we collected water from only one point. So it might not be a representative one.
Water sample is collected from a pond, which is approximately a rectangular in shape and its length is about 200 m, and width is approximately 100 m. There is surrounded a road. The sample was collected about 30m apart from the east bank and about 50m from the north bank. The color of water in the pond is greenish. Trees surround the sides of the pond. Leaves falling from the trees become rotten and pollute the water. There are many fishes in the pond. There are some water plants surrounding the pond. The pond is paved at one side of the bank. There are buildings at all sides. People through garbage into the pond, such as (plastic bag, bottle, paper etc). There is a paved floor beside the pond to wash clothes and utensils. This water gets mixed with pond water and makes it dirty.
Sample Collection

এতে সদস্যতা:
মন্তব্যগুলি পোস্ট করুন (Atom)
রিসেন্ট ব্লগ পোষ্টস
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- অর্থনীতিতে রাসূল (সা) এর দশ দফা
- আদর্শ মানব মুহাম্মদ (সা)
- আসহাবে রাসূলের জীবনকথা
- ইসলাম ও জিহাদ
- ইসলাম পরিচিতি
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- ইসলামী আন্দোলনের কর্মীদের পারস্পরিক সম্পর্ক
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- ইসলামী বিপ্লবের পথ
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- ইসলামী সমাজে মজুরের অধিকার
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- রাসূলুল্লাহর বিপ্লবী জীবন
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- সত্যের সাক্ষ্য
- হেদায়াত